Saturday, October 17, 2009

Plus Days!!

here we go!!!!

1. Being home. i was ick half the week and i oved just laying in bed and watching tv!

2. we won our soccer game today! 4 to 1!! it was so fun!

3. last night i had a sleepover with one of my great friend K.

4. CELLPHONES!! i love mine!!

5. I get to spend the night with my best friend and i haven't seen her since July!!

Thats my week!!
How was yours??

Miss. Polarbear
A crooked kinda perfect :/ !!


  1. 1. Glad you are feeling better.
    2. Congratulations! Woo!
    3. Sleep overs are fun. G had one last night too.
    4. me too!
    5. YAY for you & your BFF!

    My week was good too!

  2. Oh boy, sorry you were sick.

    Go Team!!

    I love sleeping :)

    I like my new unlimited text messaging plan.

    Why does BFF stand for best friend? It seems like that would mean best friend's friend or best friend friend or best....why not just BF?

    I don't know.

    Anyway, my week was good, too. I went to a fashion show tonight with my D (daughter), I call her Fashionista on my blog. :) It was very fashionable and flashy. I wore my zebra leggings. If not for attending fashion shows, I would never wear them, probably.

    Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. I think BFF means Beast Friend Forever.

    Glad you're feeling better, but I agree that sometimes those sick days are nice when you curl up on the sofa, doze on and off, and watch lots of tv.

    Have a great day!

  4. Chatty k- LOL!!
    2Think- bff stands for best friend forever or best friends forever it depends on how your using it in the sentance.
    My Adhd- HI!!
