Thursday, October 22, 2009

Candy, Trick or treating, costumes, and more!!

Sorry I haven't written in forever!! I've been busy with school and soccer and friends. Anyways here's some stuff in my mind about halloween. ************************************************************************************** Well this halloween im going as a Bumble Bee and one of my friends Erin is going as a Ladybug and my other friend Kayty is going as a Twilight Vampire and we all are going trick or treating together!!! So fun and so much candy!! I bring a pillowcase :P LOL!! What are you doing for halloween??

Miss. Bear (new nickname :P)


  1. Hi Miss Bear!!

    Tomorrow night we are going to a Fall festival at our church. On Halloween night we will have our new puppy Annie! We are getting her that morning. The kids will probably trick or treat in the neighborhood. Maybe we'll bring annie!!

  2. All sound so fun!! cant wait to meet annie!!

  3. I wish I could meet Annie, too! I love puppies. We usually don't do a Halloween thing. We were supposed to go to a trick or treating activity tonight about 45 minutes from where we live, with my sister and her kids, but it is rainy and cold and we didn't feel like being outside in that weather.

    I get scared very easily, so I have never been a person who could go into haunted houses or do any of those scary Halloween time things. My kids are all grown up, but one of them works in a costume shop in California and my daughter, Fash, she loves to dress up. Last year she won a costume contest. She made the costume. It was Cruella DeVille. I posted a picture of her dressed in it on my blog once. It's somewhere on there.

    I can see why you changed your post name. Miss Bear is not so long. I'll always remember you as Miss Polar Bear, but I'll go with Miss Bear for short. How's that?

    Get a lot of candy and be safe! I like Snickers bars best.

  4. 2Thinks- Im with ya! i HATE being cared!! I get scared watchin the news!! I cant go to halloween haunt or anything like that!! I LOVED the nickname Miss PolarBear but i decided just to shorten it so on long posted i didnt have to write more. (i know its only a little more but u know what i mean) Anyways, i dont mind if u still call me miss polarbear
