Monday, August 31, 2009


Oh Hey Guys!!
I am sooo tired from the beach!
heres a recap of my beach trip.
Day 1: Red Flag. No Swimming. Unpack, get rooms ready, be lazy.
Day 2: Red Flag still. we went to the beach go in a little.
Day 3: YAY NO RED FLAG (or atleast we thought so...) heres the story... We woke up and saw that there was no flag so we went down to the beach and swam. A little while later a lifeguard on a fourwheeler drove down the beach and told everybody to get out of the water. So we asked him what the deal was. On one half of the beach somebody stole ALL the red flags!!!
Day 4: Red flags in the morning then they were down in the afternoon YAY swimming time at last!!
Day 5: I went swimming then later that day i went to a couple of stores with my couin, aunt, and grandmother.
Day 6: wam for a while then went shopping for a while then i got in the pool.
Day 7: pack and leave :(:(:(!!!
I'm glad to be home and i had alot of fun!!!!


  1. Was it fun when you "wam" on day 6. LOL!!!

    Glad you had fun, inspite of all the red flags.

  2. Welcome Home!

    We had a great vacation too!!!

    House/dog sitting at your house is fun, fun, fun.

  3. OMG LOL!!!!! I just relized that!!!!!!!!!!! oops its supposed to be swam!!
