Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Hey guys,
I dont know about ya'll but I love dogs! I have a dog named Polar Bear. Polar, PoPo, or Po for short. Polar is a deaf american bulldog/dogo. A dogo is a dog with all the square faced breeds in it. Polar is a female dog. She will be 6 in december. She is pretty big and thinks she is a lap dog!! We first got Polar when she was only 0!!! We have had her ever since and she is a sweetie! I'll upload some pictures of her tomorrow or later tonight! Do you have any dogs? If so tell me about it in comments!
So long for now!


Live,Love,Laugh .:-:. <3 :D


  1. Miss Polar Bear, of course it makes sense that you have a dog named Polar Bear. *grin* Perfect.

    We used to have a small Shih-tzu. He didn't shed, so I liked that. We had to put him to sleep when he was about 14 years old, as he had cancer, was blind by then and had lost control of some important muscles. My son had his driver's permit, but not his license. I drove to the vet with my son, but I was crying so hard afterward, my son had to drive home. It was very hard.

    I'd love to get a puppy. But now I have a job and am not home all the time, so don't know who would care for the puppy during the days I work.

    My oldest son is thinking of getting a Brittney Spaniel, so maybe I will just enjoy his puppy, if he gets one.

    You can see a picture of one here:

  2. I have 2 dogs (as you know!) A crazy dog named Jackie who is old and grumpy, and a sweet puppy named Buddy who is young and lovable!

    Nice story about Polar.

  3. 2thinks- Love the pic!!!!!! such a cute dog!
    Kelly- I love buddy hes so sweet!!
