Sunday, April 18, 2010

Soccer Pain!

Hey guys,
i either sprained or fractured or maybe even broke my ankle. Here's how it happened.
I wuz at a soccer game yesterday and i just got on a feild and a girl come near me with the ball so of course as defence should do, i ran toward the ball. Then the girl tripped me!! she fell and i fell but of course she wuz 100% okay!! now i dont have school tomorrow and get to get an x-ray!! (insert sarcastic yay)
Theres you owch update!!!
Talk to ya later!!



  1. Ouchie! Whew boy. Hope it isn't broken. Take care- maybe ice it, but what do I know, I never played sports. I'm sure you are a very tough soccer player.

    Take it easy,
    2 Thinks

  2. Let me know what the dr says!

  3. 2Thinks- yea hurts very bad. goin to the doc l8tr today!! and ice helps a lil bit!!

    Kelly- Will do!!

  4. You should post more! you haven't posted in a whilee. I kep checking but nothing is happening!!!!!!!!!! :) -gigi
