Saturday, October 3, 2009

Plus Days!

Its that time again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! drum roll please ***************************************************************************************
Here are my results!
1. Friends! i love all my friends!

2. my dog! i love her so much she makes me so happy!

3. (as before) SLEEP!! ug i cannot get enough!

4. school clubs. we have club every tuesday and thursday and i love it!

5. soccer! i enjoy running. dont like soccer that much but well its a little fun!
how was your week?


Miss Polarbear

.:-:. <3 :D


  1. Well Miss Polarbear,
    I also love friends. I don't have a dog and I never played soccer. I wish I had a club. I think I would like a club.

    As for my week, it was better than I expected. I thought it would be hectic, but it all worked out okay. If anything, I spend too much time reading blogs and writing on my blog, now that's what I really like to do.

    But, when you are my age, you have way too many responsibilities, like cleaning and cooking and grocery shopping, blogging sometimes has to wait- until Saturday. :)

    I am going to a Pumpkin Festival today, even though it is a bit rainy.

    Have a great weekend!
    Miss Heidi

  2. Well, I LOVE my dog and I love sleep, but running, not so much. And I love my "clubs" or Bible study or whatever gatherings I have. Friendships are so important. Hope you have a great week too!
